Content starts here Cascade Element-Level Security to Child Elements
This page last changed on Apr 09, 2008.

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Cascade Element-Level Security to Child Elements

Using the ALDSP Console, you can select the data elements that you want to secure at the data service level. When selecting a complex node, ALDSP 3.2 further enables you to optionally cascade the selection to all child elements and attributes of the complex node.

To select a complex node and cascade the selection:

  1. Acquire the lock and select the data service.
  2. Select the Secured Elements tab
  3. Select the Cascade selection to children nodes check box.
  4. Select the data element that you want to configure for security.
  5. Click Save > Activate Changes.
    The cascade functionality is just a UI usability feature. All the elements secured in this way are still independent of the parent element. You will have to configure security policies, redaction modes for all of them separately.

    Secured Elements: Cascade Selection to Children Nodes

See Also

How Tos
Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 16:19